Regulation and development of rivers and river valleys.
General policy and technical assistance in the field of irrigation, flood control, anti-water-logging, drainage and anti-erosions.
All matters relating to irrigation, flood forecasting and warring, flood control, flood control works, causes off floods and damage caused by floods to irrigation projects, embankments, etc.
Basic, fundamental and applied research on river valley projects and flood control works.
International cooperation in the field of flood control and development of water resources.
International commissions and conferences relating to irrigation, flood control and water resourse management.
Construction and maintenance of canals under W. D. B. Project; construction and maintenance of water control structures for the canals executed under the Canal Digging programme.
Soil conservation drainage and water-logging.
Storage of water and construction of reservoirs, embankment and barrages.
Land reclamation, estuary control.
Anti-salinity measures and anti-desertification.
Hydrological survey and data collection.
Matters relating to Joint Rivers Commission; Joint Committee, Standing Committee, etc and Common Border Rivers.
Secretariat administration including financial matters.
Administration and control of Subordinate office organization under this Ministry.
Liaison with International Organization and matters relating to treaties and agreements with other countries and world bodies relating to subjects allotted to this Ministry.
All laws on subject to this Ministry.
Inquiries and statistics on any of the subject allotted to this Ministry.
Fees in respect of any of the subjects allotted to this Ministry except fees taken in courts.